Health cash plans are a type of cash back scheme that can help you budget for your everyday health needs and provide cover for the unexpected. You can claim cash back on dental check-ups, fillings, physiotherapy, eye tests, glasses and much more up to the annual limits. Unlike private medical insurance, the cost of a plan is really affordable and you don’t have to be ill to claim.
Health cash plans are a great way to look after the health and wellbeing of your employees. Looking after the wellbeing on your employees will not only improve their health and make them feel more valued, it will also help to fulfil your duty of care as an employer.
The reduction in absences will also have a positive impact on your organisation financially. Absenteeism is a major problem in the UK; on average 131 million days are lost to sickness absence each year, with 960,000 employees off sick for at least one month. Organisations who introduce health cash plans report a positive impact on absence levels.
Through APL Health, our schools have the option to add a heath cash plan to their policy. This entitles all insured members of staff to claim for a range of healthcare treatments. These include dental procedures, optical costs, prescriptions, specialist hospital consultations and wellbeing treatments such as massages. They will also have access to a 24-hour GP helpline, a virtual GP surgery and a private prescription service, making healthcare a simple and convenient process that will not disrupt their work. By encouraging good health and communications with a GP, APL Health’s cash plan can prevent teacher absences and help maintain a reliable and productive workforce.
Some of the benefits of the health cash plan include:
- The ability to claim 100% cash-back on healthcare bills, subject to an annual review
- Fast payment of claims direct to your bank account
- No GP referral required before receiving treatment
- Speak to a GP via a webcam or a 24/7 helpline and have private prescriptions delivered to your door
- Make claims online, manage your account and check your benefit allowances, all from our client area
For a detailed breakdown of the benefits of adding a health cash plan to your staff absence cover, please download our ‘Managing staff absence’ e-brochure here and see page 05. Alternatively, to speak to one of our dedicated Schools Team, please call 0800 862 0077.